Our Mission

The creation of an independent republic in 1991 and the victory during first Artsakh war of 1994 opened up a new historic opportunity to reverse the downward spiral and establish sound foundations for a national revival. Armenians around the world have finally obtained an opportunity to build a globally competitive, advanced and humanistic state on the preserved part of historic homeland, thus fulfilling the dream of many generations. Yet, to ensure the strengthening and longevity of the new independent state, Armenia must address a set of complex challenges.

Arar Foundation has been established to address those challenges, one by one, and in collaboration with its partners, develop and implement pragmatic solutions, helping to strengthen the foundation of modern Armenia. As they have accumulated over an entire millennium, addressing them will require patience, ingenuity, and perseverance through multiple political cycles.

Ensuring Security

Steadily modernize the security system, and mobilize the public around state and societal security issues to confront and prevent existing external threats.

Cultural Transformation

Rid society of value complexes obtained under the yoke of conquerors and invaders, eliminate the ingrained mentality of individualism and consumerism and create a value system based on state centralization, individual freedoms, creative spirit, and Christian ideals.

Modernization of government institutions

Build an efficient and compact government system that is capable of withstanding challenges, proposing and implementing flexible solutions, and ensuring a favorable legal and administrative internal environment.

Building a Competitive Education System

Restore the priority of education, create the region’s leading competitive education system, and nurture free, creative, patriotic and responsible future citizens through the education process.

Building a Competitive Economy

Form a diversified, productive and globally integrated economic system, which will provide a high level of social cohesion and sustainable, eco-friendly development, and create a wide range of opportunities for entrepreneurs, professionals, and various sections of the working class.

Integration with the Diaspora

Form the Republic of Armenia’s bilateral economic, cultural, educational systems, as well as effective political relations between Armenian society and Armenia-centric Diaspora communities to ensure mutual empowerment and synergetic development.

Restoration of Demographic Viability

Ensure natural growth and a steady demographic rate of migration and voluntary repatriation to the country by emphasizing the permanent role of family in society, as well as new economic and social opportunities.

Restoration of Regional Importance

Shape a national agenda within the context of current events, create an effective network for the agenda’s implementation; assume the civilization role as an important junction between the West, North, and the Middle East.